February 14, 2009

I'm in Love I'm in Love & I Don't Care Who Knows it!

Can you just imagine this on your dining room table come March 20th? (that's the first day of Spring). Because I can! And I could barely stand it as I walked past it at Target and didn't have it in my cart. Every time I wipe off the dining room table, I can just imagine it there.
And they have place mats to boot. While we're not the biggest fans of place mats ourselves (our table barely fits 2), they sure are cute and if you have a normal size table it'd look fabulous. So, hopefully they won't sell out by the time I get back to Target to get it.


Ann On and On... said...

This is a super cute blog....that table cloth is really fun! Off to read more.

Welcome to SITS...have fun jumping from blog to blog. There are soooo many amazing women to meet. I am hosting a card swap and a giveaway right now...check it out. Happy Valentine's Day!

A Psych Mommy said...

I absolutely love damask prints!

Visitng from SITS--happy Saturday!

Rhea said...

Cute table runner and placemats! Hope you were able to get them! I love Target.

I'm part of the SITS Welcome Wagon! I've been a member since last summer, and I've read so many fun blogs and met so many amazing women through SITS. Welcome aboard!