February 17, 2009

Killing Time

Tonight the husband went to bed early. With no looming 5:30am workday tomorrow, I decided perhaps I would stay up a bit late. I already watched the tivo'ed episodes of The Girls Next Door and Rita Rocks, I'm done with tv for the night.

Cue the computer. Of course, I have managed to kill hours on the computer. Cruising the blogland, discovering new blogs and things I want to buy on Etsy. Then I started researching gardening and that went on its own tangent. Next thing I know I'm on Martha Stewart's website. God save me! How is she so amazing? I know that she is not the mastermind behind ALL things fabulous on her website, but her name is on there and I have always been a fan, so I of course put her face to every great idea I found tonight.

I would share all these ideas I found, but for some reason I get super hyped about cool projects, and never do them. I have a file in my bookmarked section on my computer to prove it. Who knows, maybe something tonight will strike me and I'll bust something out that will make Martha proud. Or maybe I'll just keep enjoying my delicious popcorn before finally heading to bed, waking up tomorrow completely forgetting whatever masterpiece project I wanted to make, as usual. But damn, do I feel inspired and that's a "Good Thing"


I am Harriet said...

Your view looks like so many other blogger's view :)

bodaat said...

Came over from SITS to say hi! I like your blog and I might follow for a while if that's okay with you. :)

The Blonde Duck said...

Sounds like a great night! Popped over from SITS!

Anonymous said...

I laughed when you said you watched tv and then turned on the computer. I do the same thing. I think I'm ready for bed and the computer calls my name. Glad to find your blog. Welcome to SITS :)