"Ok, I have a horrible story to tell you. Last night, I was just so overwhelmed, with school and work and everything and I ate HALF a bag of potato chips and 2 cookies!"
I wanted to slap her straight across the face.
I am not a guilty eater, emotional, yes, but never do I feel guilty. I was about to tell her what my lunch consisted of when I was at home the other day: leftover tri-tip with a side of quite a few Girl Scout cookies and milk. Or how about the donut I had for breakfast, the hot dog I had for lunch and the bbq potato chips followed by Cheez- Its I just ate as a snack? I do not feel any type of guilt, just hilarity in how disgusting and unhealthy it sounds.
I opted not to tell her these things, due to the nature of the beast. I mean, this girl made me feel bad about eating OATMEAL! Some people, I tell you.
EDITED TO ADD: After I wrote this post, I thought about it. I mean, really thought about it. At the time I thought I was the cool one, eating gross stuff. After writing and reading that I ate a donut, hot dog and chips as a day's worth of meals, it grossed me out.
I'm proud to say that I have tweaked those habits a bit. Just last week I was commended by the same girl for my whole wheat, peanut butter and banana sandwich. I have to admit, it made me proud, accomplished much like a child proving something to their mother.
Thank you blog, for if I had never written this, I'm not so sure I would've thought there my eating habits and weight gain were totally cool!
I just wanted to tell you that your "I want to go to there" comment on my giveaway was the funniest thing I read all day LOL I love 30 rock :)
I am NOT a guilty eater. I eat alot and never feel guilty lol
I've been eating healthier lately and it's been great! Now I can't maintain it every day (as I peer at the remnants of my hot pocket) but the desire is there. :) Lately I've had a banana and yoghurt for dinner. It's nice because i can go to bed not bloated. What?? that's possible? :)
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