Sunday night the Little and I went to a Bighorns (our local D-Division team) Basketball game. We got free tickets and originally I had asked if she wanted to go and she said no. I ultimately decided she meant yes, because I wanted to go, it was free and I figured if she didn't enjoy it that much we could leave. Of course she loved it.
It got a bit long in the end, and she didn't understand the game at the beginning but this left me with wonderful opportunities to teach her (and amaze myself with my basketball knowledge). We got free noisemaking things when we walked in, Bighorn temporary tattoos and in the midst of a timeout, thundersticks fell from the sky! We didn't get any, even though I flailed about like a wild banshee. A gentleman and his daughter both got a pair so he gave his pair to the Little. It took us 3/4 of the game to figure out to blow hers up, that's why they weren't making noise, but when we did, boy were they fun. We sword fought the entire walk back to the car with them.
We had some cotton candy and cheered along the Bighorns. She woudn't put on the temporary tattoos when we were in the crowded bathroom and didn't want to take a picture with Bighorn mascot, reminding me that she is a tween.
I also learned a few important lessons:
1.) Don't give her free reign over my ipod. Apparently I have uncensored songs that I didn't even realize needed to be censored!
2.) Don't ask about materialistic things, such as if she got anything special for her bday. Broke my heart to hear her say No.
3.) ALWAYS bring snacks and water bottles. If not, I will end up breaking the bank on any and every outing.
All in all a great time, the Bighorns won and they scored over 100 points which means we get to go and get free gelato from a casino! We both decided we can't wait until the Reno Aces (our AAA baseball team) starts up for the summer. Next week, a trip to Reno's largest sporting store, Scheels!
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