August 31, 2009

A Visit With the Grandparents

This weekend my grandparents came to visit. On Friday we had lunch, hung out our apartment and took them to see the new house (which is going well! we have a packet to sign tomorrow). My grandfather worked in construction for 30 years, so he was just the person we needed to ask a few questions about. He answered them and offered advice and approved the house. Grandma cracked me up when she said, "you know, I really thought it'd be smaller." We said, we did too! Come Sunday we opted to hit up Squaw Valley (where the 1959 Olympics were held) and take a ride up their cable car. It was kind of scary, what with 40 mph wind gusts as you're going up mountain cliffs.
Oddly enough these flowers were at the top, just two adorable vases waiting for me to take their picture with Lake Tahoe in the background. They had an Olympic museum, where I couldn't not get on the podium. Sir Sunderland would not participate, as I told him he'd have to be silver.It was nice to see the grandparents. We chatted, caught up and got to share our lives up here with them. I love when we get to visit with family!

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