August 22, 2009

No Eating Out Allowed!

Now that we are soon to be homeowners we are in need of some belt tightening. Through the years we've attempted budgeting, limiting ourselves to the bare minimum and not getting anywhere, except unfulfilled and frustrated. Nowadays we've got our own budgeting techniques that we've learned work for us and are quite pleased.

We do, however, have a problem with eating out. Once every other week we do a major grocery trip. We plan a menu, and buy everything necessary. This works, until we are tired or get past week 1 into week 2 with no menu. We then run around trying to make another half hearted grocery trip that yields no result. We end up going out to lunch, dinner, you name it.

This week, we've got our menu, or stocked pantry and fridge and the goal of no meals out! Do you think we can do it?


Dwdisney said...

You can do it!!!

Anonymous said...

ew, carrots!! :)