September 9, 2009

Ouch, That One Hurt

Between my mother and father's family genes, I was destined for a short stout frame or a tall slender one with a little tummy poking out. As you can guess, I ended up getting the tall slender frame with the tummy. It is not a chubby tummy, it is a taught pregnant-like belly. My grandfather and great-aunt have the extreme versions of the "Wright-gut" and my father works out like a fiend to keep his at bay. Myself, I've been self-conscious about it, but never made much effort to get rid of it. That was until I was asked if I was expecting.

Allow me to set the scene:
Customer Service at Bed Bath & Beyond, being rang up for humidifier filters (not at all baby related). The woman who rang us up was the same woman who set up our wedding registry two years ago and did indeed remember us.

I have given her my coupon, we have talked about how we survived our first year of marriage, I swipe my card, enter my pin and as she hands me the receipt, says,
"Oh! Are we expecting?!?!"

I stuffed my receipt in my purse, head down, muttering "No" I was mortified. On the verge of shock and tears, Sir Sunderland and I raced out the door before she could even get any more awkward with "Oh, how I wish" or something completely retarded and just as offensive.

Sir Sunderland tried his damnedest to console me with explanations of how that particular woman has always been creepy and said inappropriate things, but nothing can erase what happened. Not even the sweetest girls at work telling me that it must have been the humidifier filters.

So I suppose the moral of the story is that if you've ever been pissed at your parents for the body they gave you, just thank god you weren't given a stomach that can be mistaken for being pregnant (thanks for that one Dad!).


Marmee said...

The best you can do is laugh about it! It's not the first nor will it be the last thing that will catch you by surprise :) I've been both Mel's mom and Aunt Krissy's mom and I'm telling you all you can do is laugh! And then make a decision to work with what you've got or not. It's your choice to let it bother you and how much - we love you just the way you are!!!

Anonymous said...

Your welcome,
Dont forget the ADHD that you got from me also (oohhh!!!! look something shiny)
I am sure that there are some good genetic traits that I have handed down to you.(Cant think of any offhand) but I am sure there are some. (-:

Anonymous said...

Lmao, poor, poor Wright genes...No worries though sis, when you DO become preggers, at least you will have a cute little figure!!