October 12, 2009

My First Sewing Project!

I did it! I made an apron. I went to Joann's in search of a perfect beginning project. I figured the pattern printed on the fabric with instructions would be easiest. Well, not so much, as it doesn't explain what they mean by "clean finish the edges." From trial and error as well as numerous online sewing dictionaries and tutorials, I figured quite a few things out:
  • A zig-zag stitch does not mean "clean-finish"
  • Pressing things helps tremendously
  • Don't take your eye off what you're sewing to look at the tv, as the machine will indeed eat your finger
  • Error E6 means you did just that and must now untangle the thread while your finger pulsates
  • You actually don't need a yard of fabric for every project
I must admit I have quite the sewing bug now and have been scouring the internet for things to make and the fabric pumpkins are everywhere. While buying the fabric for the pee pee teepee I spied some cute owl Halloween fabric that I just had to have. Et voila!

You kind of have to know that they are a pumpkin to see that is in fact a pumpkin, not a clutch purse, but hey! They're cute. I am now putting a cap on anymore Halloween crafts, as the apartment can't hold anymore.

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