November 29, 2009

And the Award goes to....

Alright, so Kavita over at Blogging One Day at a Time so graciously gave me my very first blog award (ahem.....a few months ago.....) I will graciously accept this cool looking thing and tell you 10 honest things about myself.

1. I didn't buy new underwear for myself for about a year, until Sir Sunderland made me.

2. Some days I don't shower until right before Sir Sunderland comes home at 5 pm.

3. Sophie (our dog) and I spoon in the mornings. She is a snuggle bug and likes to be the little spoon.

4. When I can't sleep all I have to do is put in You've Got Mail and like a lullaby, I fall fast asleep listening to the ridiculous and silly love story.

5. I sleep walk, always have and still do.

6. I am a coupon freak, for awhile there I had a shopping problem, using coupons as my excuse.

7. The minute I get home I am obsessed with the mail. Did Sir Sunderland get it? Where is it? What'd we get?

8. I am the same way about my email. On days I don't work I check my email an insane amount of times.

9. I can't cook without a recipe.

10. I didn't take great care of my garden and sometimes didn't water it for days.

There you have it! Some stuff you've probably never wanted to know about me, but now you do! And onto my next blog award (it's true! I got 2!) Ally and Lela over at Two Normal mom's think my blog is lovely! Thank you so much ladies! In order to accept this award I need to let you all know about 15 blogs I've discovered and think are simply lovely. These are the blogs I have bookmarked that I read each morning while I eat my breakfast.

Bodaat - my first blog friend and person who comments regular on this here blog. I love reading about her tap dancing and the beautiful wedding she just had.
Joshley & The Charles - I love reading about Ashley, her lovely life and their funny dog (which I can relate to)
The Idea Room- Hello awesome tutorials! This woman really has the best ideas and tutorials around. I've made two of her tutorials and am in love with her advent calendar of ideas.
A Brunette Making it One Day at a Time- with a name like Tamela, what's not to love? Her blog is fresh and simple, even if there is a nasty people of Walmart picture on a post that freaked me out.
Somewhat Simple- love the tutorials, ideas and the Strutt Your Stuff linky she's got going.
Gordostyle- another one of my first blog friends. I love reading her simple stories of her son and life in general.
Kelly's Korner- oh my how I am hooked reading about the daily ins and outs of Kelly and her family.
For Love or Funny- This woman makes me laugh on a daily basis with her simple humor relating to family, age and anything under the sun.
It Ain't Easy Being Cheesy- Her button says it all. A slice of cheese with a mustache. Alicia writes with such truth it's hard not to laugh on a daily basis, reading about finding a lego in her daughter's diaper to her bouts with IBS.

I hope you enjoy these blogs as much as I do!
Thank you again Kavita, Ally & Lela! I never even thought I'd receive a blog award but am so excited I did! Thank you!


tori said...

Congrats on the awards. I always love reading the lists and learning more about people!

Debbie said...

Congrats on your award.
I am the same way about my mail. And my newspapers.

bodaat said...

You're welcome and thank you! I still remember the day I found your blog and asked if I could join it. :) Good decision! Thanks again and have an awesome evening. :)

Marmee said...

Congrats! They are well deserved!!! Keep it up!!