November 3, 2009

A Non Checkbook Checkbook Cover

After successfully making a couple things with the sewing machine, I decided I'd try out a beginner's pattern for a checkbook cover on I had found awhile back. I have a pocket calendar that I use daily and it has gotten quite beat up and could benefit from a cover of some sort. I found me some cute fabric at Joann's and that damn interfacing. I got to sewing based off of their patterns and when it was all said and done, the "checkbook cover" neither fit my calendar nor a CHECKBOOK! Shocking, I know.
I attempted making my own pattern, which didn't work, and then measured. I took it apart and added 2 inches of fabric to the middle and voila! A crappy looking, falling apart pocket Christmas calendar cover! As I expressed my displeasure Sir Sunderland was sure to remind me that it's only my third sewing project, which made me feel better.
I got some other really cute fabric that isn't christmas themed, and think I've got the jist of what I need to do, sans's crappy tutorial. In the meantime I'm going to go with this tutorial from the Idea Room.

1 comment:

Gabrielle said...

OOO, Love it! Great way to cover something generic and make it cute!