December 30, 2009

I'm Alive!

Hi Everyone,
 Incase you're wondering what happened to me, we moved. That's right, right into our home. We're still in escrow, but while things are getting worked out we get to live here! It was kind of last minute, right before the holidays so we're still in the midst of getting settled, but love it. Going to bed at night minus the shaking of the walls (from the neighbors upstairs stomping). Watching a movie as loud as we want without any complaints. Keeping an eye on Sophie playing outback from inside the nice warm house. Wood floors, enough said. And best of all? The spray gun on the kitchen sink!


Sara said...

yeah for the move to a new home, and best of luck in the new year! (popping in from SITS)

The Grasshoppa:Triplets Plus Two Momma said...

yea baby! can't live without the spray gun!

Stopping by from sits. congrats and enjoy your new home. what an awesome way to start out the new year.

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

Congrats on the move! How awesome you're allowed to live there while still in escrow. You'll have to post pictures like... um... now!!!


bodaat said...

loads and loads of pictures please!! of course....when you get a spare moment. :) enjoy your new home!! i wish we had wood floors that came with a new house. :)