August 21, 2010

Annual Tahoe Pligrimage

This weekend we made our annual pilgrimage to Lake Tahoe. This consists of going to our favorite (and only) art gallery that carries Dr. Seuss artwork, the all holiday store, the actual Lake itself and enjoying a meal at a delicious local Mexican restaurant. This year we threw a hike into the mix, which turned out to be amazing.
You hike through this paved trail (does that still count?) where you wind up at this awesome viewing area underneath a creek, like a natural aquarium, if you will.
Apparently if you come in October, there are some crazy bright pink salmon going on in there. We will be back.
All in all a great day. It was, unfortunately, cold and stormy which put a damper on the actual lake part, but who are we kidding, the water is FREEZING. Not like we really swim anyways.

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