October 31, 2011

A Letter for My Readers

Dear Readers,

I’m changing things up a bit here around Lauren Inspired starting tomorrow.

As a new Mom I suddenly became aware of the lack ofresources for mothers in our area, Reno-Sparks, Nevada.

When pregnant we weren’t given any help finding a child birthclass. We had to research the hospital’s calendar to find out where and how wewere supposed to take one.

 A month beforethe baby was due we had no clue how to get our car seat inspected.

Once the baby came I wanted to meet other mothers. There wasno resource to find mother’s groups.

Trying to find a fun event to go to involves combing through hundreds of irrelevant events tailored for tourists and college kids. 

Other than a dying website ran by our local newspaper, there is no central hub of information for mothers. I hadto dig through the bowels of the internet to discover the Moms club I now belong toand we never did get our car seat inspected (not for a lack of trying). 

I’ve decided LaurenInspired is going to fill this void by becoming the Reno-Sparks Mom. I will continue blogging like I have for the pastthree years but there will also be local events and resources included. Don’t be alarmed come November 1st when you come to visitand see a new design with the new name. It’ll be practically the same, just with a few more addedelements tailored for Moms in Northern Nevada.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.  I would have never thought it possibleto go on this new adventure without the support and encouragement I receivefrom my readers. Now lets go make some Mommas' lives easier!


P.S. Incase you're wondering what Reno-Sparks is/ means, they are two cities in Northern Nevada. Reno, being the main city and Sparks, a neighboring city right alongside it (where I live). Here's a map.

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