December 6, 2011

Save Money on Postage

I am a huge advocate of Christmas cards and overly excited about getting to send out photo cards now that we have a baby. Like many other people we are having to tighten our belts this holiday season. So I managed to get our Christmas cards for a very low price. Postage costs more than double the price of the actual cards.

 So I took a look at the calendar and planned accordingly. This is the time of the year when you get together with family and friends, so why not hand deliver your cards?

Over the weekend I was able to "hand deliver" 7 cards, saving $2.70 in postage. To make it seem a little less like I was trying to be cheap, I tied some yarn around the cards to give them a packaged look. I also had them addressed, just as if they would look if they were mailed.

Just a handy tip for cutting costs wherever you can. How many cards could you hand deliver this holiday season?

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