Gwen's Grandma had her covered for all Valentine's Day related fashion and even sent her a cute little owl receptacle for her valentines.
And since I wanted an excuse to bake, I made another attempt at cake pops and by golly they were a success. We packed them up and took them to the party with us instead of unloading them on the husband's office as originally planned for failure.
It was a cute little party at another mom's house. She had cookies and sprinkles for the kids to decorate and the kids ran amuck while the moms got to socialize. Then it was time for everyone to exchange valentine's. How cute are all the different boxes?
She went a little bananas over the peppermint patty and stuck stickers to the floor. I, on the other hand stole her chewy candy and introduced her to the proper way to eat a fruit by the foot. 

And that was our Valentine's Day! How was yours? Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some romantic veggie burritos to tend to for the mister and I.
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