May 14, 2012

Mother's Day 2012 - Much Better Than 2011

Last year was my first Mother’s Day. I had big hopes and plans for this day. So big that when the actual day came I was let down by every single thing that happened. This isn’t to say that that precious husband of mine didn’t do everything I asked, come up with an incredibly sweet gift on a budget or make me feel appreciated. He did all of those things. Meanwhile, his ingrate of a wife was just too caught up in her own expectations to enjoy and appreciate the day for what it really was.

Not this year. This year I told my husband what I wanted and explicitly explained to not spend a penny. I wanted to sleep in and eat crepes for breakfast. I purposely stayed off the internet so I wouldn’t fall into the stupid trap of jealousy that comes with seeing other mom’s jewelry or fancy brunches that comes with the bragging territory that is Facebook.

I woke up late. I marveled at my lovely drawing my husband and daughter made me. I woofed down a crepe in bed. I came downstairs to more crepes with strawberries, bananas and chocolate syrup.

We laughed as the baby demanded to sit in my lap and eat my crepes no matter how hard her dad tried to get her to sit in his.

We went to church where I got a cute little flower button.

We spent the day being lazy and enjoying each other’s company.

We talked to our moms.

I got to visit with one of my best friends and catch up on her life.

It couldn’t have been more perfect.

The moral of the story? Keep yourself in line with those expectations. Just because other families can afford the luxury of fancy jewelry or brunches doesn’t mean that’s what you need or want. I am embarrassed and a tad ashamed of my behavior last Mother’s Day, but I learned a valuable lesson from it:

We are our own little family and will celebrate in our own little way.

There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s actually a pretty neat privilege. It just took me a little while to realize what a privilege it really is.

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