June 18, 2012

First Alert Fire Safe Giveaway

*Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a First Alert Waterproof FIre Safe for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.**

We all know that our area is a bit prone to wildfire (hello Caughlin Ranch fire, Washoe Valley fire) and with our dry winter and windy, hot weather it's best that we all be prepared for a fire.

My husband works for the state's Insurance Division and wants me to make sure you all know that you're supposed to do an inventory of all your belongings. As in, walk around your house with this app on your camera phone, snapping pictures or videos of all of your stuff, meaning EVERYTHING, not just all the obvious expensive stuff. Do this so that if and when the time comes (lord willing that it never will) you will be able to claim all of your belongings and receive the correct compensation when the time comes to file a claim with insurance. That husband!, I tell ya.

Now that you've gotten that home inventory out of the way you need somewhere safe to put it. Like, oh, let's say, a First Alert Waterproof fire safe?

Boom baby!

You'll want to pack this thing full of all those important things you want kept safe incase of an emergency.

Like a passport that's in your maiden name and the a couple of those oh-so-delicious chocolate chip cookies. No but really, you can pack this thing full of hard drives, cds, paperwork, you name it. It's quite roomie.

My husband would also like to remind you should keep most of your insurance documents in your safe (gotta love that insurance nerd).

And check it out, it's the perfect under-the-bed size to casually hide out while simultaneously protecting your life's investments. 

So, how would you like to win a First Alert Waterproof Fire Safe for yourself?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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