February 23, 2010

Crocheting For The Pets

     I had been introduced to the awesome-ness that is crocheting when I lived in a house with 5 other girls in college. My first piece? An uneven scarf that I wore all fall and winter. I then moved onto beanies with flowers and scarves that were even. My mother and sister-in-law received some of these one Xmas.
    Lately my heart has been yearning for a purpose. I've wanted to use Starbucks and it's "community" ideals for the greater good, I just didn't know how. Then finally it happened. As all Starbucks do, we have regular customers who we get to know very well. One of our regulars happens to be Deb. Deb is an awesome woman who comes in with her 16 year old daughter and gets her chai a few times a week. You see, she is a maniac crocheter and has crocheted each and every employee at Starbucks a beautiful scarf. She's even made people's mothers and children scarves!
     I asked her if she would be so kind to meet me and the Little and if she'd teach us to crochet. One Saturday morning, we met up at Starbucks. She came with a skein of yarn for each of us with needles to go with the yarn. Too cute! She was extremely patient and taught Brittney while I mastered the double crochet.
     I brought up the idea of crocheting blankets for the Humane Society, something I had learned about while looking at their website. That Thursday our group started. Not only was it just us but a friend and another regular customer have joined in!
     We are 3 weeks strong and loving every second of it. Not only did Deb patiently teach the Little how to crochet, she taught me how to do a granny square and another young boy how to crochet!  Since the beginning of our group Debb has dropped by with her blankets she's created. See all of these? The top 2 are mine the rest are hers!
     After discussing it with the group we have decided that we will begin with the smaller blankets for the pets (which leaves plenty of room for error) and will someday move to scarves for women or blankets for children. This is our first week with advertising. I peppered Facebook, the newspaper, Craigslist and sent information to Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Humane Society. My hope is that our crowd will outgrow one Starbucks and become a citywide event. And who knows, you can start a group wherever you are as well!

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