February 6, 2010

Daily Musings of a Married Couple

On Sundays I like to take the time to sit down and enter giveaways from websites like The Secrets in the Sauce or Tip Junkie's Giveaway Directory. I weed out the ones that require you to become a follower, or are giving away things like yogurt or soup and go for the gold. I have to admit that I did once follow people or add their button in hopes of getting more chances of winning, and didn't win. Nowadays my attitude is that of a comment. Visit the website of the brand that's being given away and leave a comment. That's it, and even that is time consuming.

In the kitchen on a Sunday morning as we are both on our computers:
Sir Sunderland: Have you actually ever won anything from all those giveaways?
Me: Why yes, yes in fact I won those post-its remember?
Sir Sunderland: Riiiight.

2 days later I get an email announcing me as the winner to a HUGE Wilton Birthday giveaway at Better in Bulk.   A week later there it is....the package of all that is cake and glory, sitting on my porch.
You can't really grasp the mass amounts of sprinkles that I won
To really give you a better idea, here is the spice cabinet I filled with the winnings!
Oh wait, don't be fooled by that cupcake liner holder there. Let me remove it to reveal....
Icing! Glitter icing, I might add.  This doesn't even include the new cupcake pan I got as well as some Wilton Gold pans (Mom, I think these will help with our rainbow cake fiasco we had last year!). The moral of the story? Keep entering those giveaways!

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