February 22, 2010

May We Introduce...

Volunteering at the Humane Society is dangerous. Especially when you walk by a kennel containing this guy. Two days later we came home with the one year old black lab/mix of something we don't know, giant puppy who has already eaten the corner of our couch.
     As for Sophie, she is actually tiring out the puppy and the last to come inside from the snow. Don't let the dirty looks fool you, she loves Homer just as much as we do.


Alicia said...

awwww so so cute!! i couldn't work at a shelter, i'd have a zoo at my house!! but man, he is one cute pup!

Anonymous said...

Awwww...Bindi says WOOF!

bodaat said...

Congratulations!! More pictures please!!

Sarah and the Gentlemen said...

He's adorable (when he's not chewing your furniture, of course)!

I'm stopping by from SITS.