March 20, 2010

Buyer Beware!

The 20 lbs of flour available at Costco is NOT FLOUR! Don't be fooled! I was just an innocent woman, baking mass amounts of cupcakes on a weekly basis and decided it to be wise to buy flour in Costco size.
"Looks and tastes like white flour?" Should've been a dead giveaway. Sir Sunderland's banana bread made using this crap, tasted like pure flour. Should've been a dead giveaway.
I make my first attempt at white cake from scratch, this crap was used. They turned out to be dry cucpcakes that tasted like muffins and flour. Should've been a dead giveaway.

Final and dead giveaway was tonight. Champagne cupcakes made with the crappy impostor flour. Gee, those look dry and taste like a muffin and flour! Ohhhhh! Now I get it! 

This magical ultragrain crap is frickin' whole wheat flour disguised as All-Purpose Flour. Duh! This impostor has managed to ruin my baked goods for months!

The good news? More champagne for us.
Also, I am slightly relieved this batch of cupcakes didn't work out. They were supposed to be for a very ungrateful girl I work with for her birthday. Shucks, I guess karma does exist after all.

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