March 9, 2010

Unsucessful Craft Tuesday

I suppose this is just not my week. You see, after my purse I managed to sew (admittedly it's not sturdy enough to use, but it's in the shape of a purse so that was a success as far as I was concerned) I opted for pajama pants from a pattern as my next project. I bought a pattern that didn't have instructions and thought I was incompetent at all things sewing. I was reassured by a girlfriend that I was indeed missing instructions and not a complete retard. I got another pattern, and this time made sure there were instructions inside. 
I cut my fabric about two weeks ago. I pinned it the next week and managed to procrastinate even more. Finally I bit the bullet and hit the sewing machine. This is what came out of it.
WTF? I cut the damn pattern the way it said to! Alas, I cut the ridiculous excess of waste line and went to sew it all together. When turned right side out, something went horribly amiss. One leg would go right side out and the when the other made an attempt at it, it was twisted in the middle. Frustrated, I decided to throw the directions aside and venture forth, on my own accord. I sewed the entire ass of the pants together, and now have two separate legs after ripping the stitches out. After two hours, it resulted in a proclamation of how much I suck at sewing and some inside out, twisted, fabric resembling pants being thrown off the stairs.
Here are a few things that I know I didn't do properly:
  • I didn't mark the notches and things on the pattern. I have fabric pencils that don't even make a mark on my fabric. Anyone have any recommendations?
  • I refuse to cut the size differences of the fabric and tape it together! Are you kidding me? That'd take forever! I folded the difference and thought it'd do the trick.....
  • My seams were more of 1/4' rather than the 5/8' the pattern calls for.
Don't worry, I will tame the beast that is pajama pants after a nice break from the frustration. It's just a bit much to take when you're struggling with a pattern titled "It's So Easy It's Simplicity!" Jerks.

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