Her first flight was a success, as we were told by many of our fellow passengers. This was a relief to everyone as you can feel the overall sense of dread that follows you as you board the plane and find a seat. The young man we sat next to could've crawled out the window the minute he saw my beady eyes gravitate towards the open aisle seat in his row.

She fell asleep upon takeoff and stayed asleep until we exited the plane.
I would like to take a moment to say how refreshing it is that people are so extremely helpful when a baby is involved. It's nice to know the world isn't full of jerks (like the ticketing agent who checked us in). And to know people are willing to help the lady with her bags as she struggles to hurriedly stash everything into a seat with a baby on her hip. The stewardess even put a lid and a straw in my soda for me. Hello world! Kindness is not lost!
Fingers crossed that our flight home will be as pleasant as our flight down. As for the in between, we are enjoying Gwen's cousins, my parents and applying sunscreen liberally.
Lauren, who's quite inspired
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