August 27, 2011

A Visit From the Grandparents 1 Year Ago

After weeks of planning, my grandparents finally made it up to Reno for a visit.

We ate, ate some more and then ate again and watched some tv in between. And then, THEN they gave me my early birthday/christmas present. A Cricut! Woot! It was too cute. There was a little christmas tag attached to my birthday card.

I got to pick out a dinner for them to make us, so naturally I picked out my all-time grandparent favorite, Maryland fried chicken. Our kitchen was 500 degrees as grandma made the potatoes and grandpa fried the chicken.

It was weird. Even though my grandmother was boiling potatoes from the same store we shop at, in my pan, in my kitchen,  the smell brought me right back to 16 years ago. Sitting down at the dinner table after playing for hours with my sister.  Meg Duerksen of Whatever wrote about something similar that made me just think about how I should cherish the time I do have with my grandparents. And so we did.

Baby G thoroughly enjoyed all the attention she got from her great grandma, as every baby does. I find it so endearing that my 75 year old grandmother would get on all fours on our hardwood floor to play with her. Baby G loved every minute of it.

And then I asked my grandma for sewing help. She recommended I get a cutting mat, a ruler and a rotary tool. I insisted this was too much and can't I just get a mat? The lesson learned? Listen to your grandma! She knows what she's talking about. We also explored my sewing machine. We discovered that I never threaded my bobbin properly, due to never looking at the instruction manual. Oops. All is well now and I know how to not only use my maƧhine but

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