February 7, 2009

A Tea Party, Valentine’s style

I’ve invited my 3 tea-party loving girlfriends over for a Valentine’s Tea Party. We will be having quiche, a mixed green salad, and some sort of a dessert (I haven’t decided how much work I want to put into it quite yet). The best part and the reason for the tea party is Lovejoy’s chocolate truffle tea. Lovejoy’s is a darling tea room in San Francisco that my Mom and her friend recommended. When the girls and I took a trip to San Franciscoa few years ago, we went there and fell in love with their chocolate truffle tea. We were saddened when we discovered we couldn’t order it online when we got home, and have never had it, or anything like it since. Two weeks ago I took a trip to San Francisco with my mom and her friends and bought some chocolate truffle tea. Tomorrow I will try to transform my dining room into a Lovejoy’s-like teahouse, exchange valentine’s and enjoy a nice evening tea with my bestest of friends.


msme said...

A source for great (chocolate and otherwise) teas I've found is SBS Teas- see Choc. Lovers pack:
I have ordered ALL sorts of wonderful things from them- loved every single one.
Hope your tea party and your Valentine's Day is sweet!
-Mary Sue

Gordostyle said...

Cute, CUTE blog header and background! Love it! Happy Valentine's Day early! :o)