March 8, 2009

Lauren Saves Starbucks

First of all, let me apologize for my skippiness in the past couple of days. I've been trying one more attempt at a healthier lifestyle, and have worked out everyday since last Wednesday! Unfortunately I need to figure out a way to balance everything, including this lovely blog, in each day. With due time, due time. Anywho, here's a few photos from my day....
This was what I woke up to this morning. I kindly replied with a "sorry can't" thinking I am not the only person available. Sundays are Sir Sunderland and my one day a week together, and not to mention my only day off in 10 days (so as much as a horrible person as I sound for saying no, this was not a tough decision to make).
An hour later (after Sir Sunderland enjoyed our special Sunday breakfast together) I get a desparate phone call from our trusted manager. The fate of Starbucks hung on my shoulders! What else was I to do but abandon all hope of our Special Sunday and save the day? A half hour later I was in my car (with super hero cape flitting in the wind) grudgingly driving to work.
Sir Sunderland met me at work where I hung up my superhero cape and we went to see Coraline. While our day was so rudely interrupted, we still had a great morning together and understand how important our time together really is. In the meantime, the girl I covered for was able to go to the hospital and Starbucks did not crumble upon itself (whew!).

1 comment:

Ava in Wonderland said...

Oh wow, coughing up blood doesn't sound good at all! It was nice of you to cover for her..stopping by from SITS to say "HI"