November 22, 2009

Epic Fail

At sugar cookies. I saw this tutorial on Our Best Bites for glace iciing for sugar cookies and thought I should try it out. You know, take those sugar cookies up a notch. Yea, it was exactly like the tutorial said, I was just impatient, used the wrong kind of dye and didn't use a smaller spoon or let it dry and well....see for yourselves. Also, I would like to note how I used the store bought cookie dough (to save some time) and that stuff does not hold the shape of the cutters! I mean, my awesome snowflake came out like a flower, the tree was a blob. Sugar cookies have always been an issue for me due to the sheer amount of patience it takes to cut and frost them. I figured they'd make cute gifts for the upcoming holidays if they were all decked out, but clearly need more practice, which is exactly why I made this batch.


Anonymous said...

Ah, I could see where you were going with it though, as your candy cane looked like a candy cane! You know how the supermarket sells regular sugar cookies in the bakery dept, the kind of big ones? Buy a batch of those and THEN use your cookie cutter- Not only does the shape come out looking perfect, they stay nice and moist, aren't too thin, and once they are decorated, you can't even tell. Plus you don't have to spend anytime making the dough, cooking them etc. I picked that tip up somewhere in some magazine and it has worked everytime- Get your little to help you with it and you'll be done in no time!!

Tessa said...

Here my thoughts on making sugar cookies.

1. Make your own dough it will roll nicer, and always refrigerate!!
2. Get the cookies thin but not too thin, this will make it so they don't grow together.
3. I like to cook them at a lower temperature for a shorter time, this also works for cake so they don't mound up in the middle.

I have no advice on frosting, I am cream cheese frosting with sprinkles kind of girl.

Hope this helps!
