November 22, 2009

Epic Fail

At sugar cookies. I saw this tutorial on Our Best Bites for glace iciing for sugar cookies and thought I should try it out. You know, take those sugar cookies up a notch. Yea, it was exactly like the tutorial said, I was just impatient, used the wrong kind of dye and didn't use a smaller spoon or let it dry and well....see for yourselves. Also, I would like to note how I used the store bought cookie dough (to save some time) and that stuff does not hold the shape of the cutters! I mean, my awesome snowflake came out like a flower, the tree was a blob. Sugar cookies have always been an issue for me due to the sheer amount of patience it takes to cut and frost them. I figured they'd make cute gifts for the upcoming holidays if they were all decked out, but clearly need more practice, which is exactly why I made this batch.

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