June 8, 2010

Something in the Oven that's not a Cupcake

To be honest, I've always been grossed out by pregnancy tests and how everyone takes pictures of them, because after all, it is just a stick you pee'd all over.  Alas, I cannot find a better picture to use, so check it out!
That's right my friends, I pee'd all over that thing and I am Pregnant! Oh yea, and sick too! How can something the size of a raspberry cause so much havoc? Anywho, we're totally stoked and can't wait to meet the baby come January 22, 2011.


Tessa said...

I am so excited!!!

bodaat said...

FABULOUS!!! Congratulations Lauren!!! Can't wait to hear more! I am so very happy for you!

CherylT said...

Congratulations! Found you on BlogFrog and became a new subscriber. I'll be following the journey ... and will visit again soon.