March 15, 2011

Booties Everywhere

When Gwen was two weeks old, she had already outgrown her newborn outfits with feet on them. Being only two weeks old, she was swimming in her three month old clothes. So, she had to wear onesies and pants, which consequently left her feet uncovered.  Enter baby socks. That fall off.all.the.time.

As I was cruising around Etsy one day I came across these from Pleasantly Plump Knits' Shop.
Little Miss Bow Magenta Baby booties
Don't they seem like the perfect solution to the sock problem? So naturally I posted them on Facebook, just to share how cute they were.
Enter Heidi. Our friend who can crochet, VERY well. Gwyneth has some very nice/practical heirlooms thanks to this lady.
Adorable baby cocoon? Check!

Awesome gender neutral baby blanket? Check!
So why wouldn't I be surprised when she showed up on my doorstep with these?
How cute are they?!?! I swear on my life I didn't share the etsy shop on Facebook with hopes of someone getting them for us, let alone making them.


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