May 22, 2011

4 months {Gwyneth}

Gwyneth you are {4} months old
You weigh 12 lbs are 25 inches long and wear 6 month size clothes

What an exciting month for you! You are all smiles and drooling like a maniac.

 We thought you didn't like to be swaddled so had you in a warm sleep sack when you slept. I read somewhere that babies don't like the act of being swaddled, but like to be swaddled when sleeping. We gave it another shot and it fixed all of your sleeping problems. You now wake up once a night for a little late night snack and go right back to sleep.
After Easter you picked up a viral bug. When you were sick you started  chugging your bottle as if you had never seen food before and ever since you've never looked back.

While you were sick you had to be introduced to the disgustingly sweet drink of Pedialyte. I bought every flavor and let you taste each one. You made your "ick" face to all 3 of the flavors, but least of all the orange. You definitely didn't like the half milk/half unflavored pedialyte concoction your doctor suggested we try.

Your hands are a great new discovery for you. You like to chew on them and watching you learn how to use them is so much fun. You try and grab your bottle and toys and it's always a little struggle as you try to figure out how to get them into your mouth. Your favorite toy is a lizzard/insect thing that we call 'Froggerfly.' You love to sit and crinkle his wings and stuff him in your mouth. You yell at him when you get frustrated that you can't get him into your mouth.

You are a master at rolling over.  At first you rolled over from your stomach to back and then one day you folded your knees up and tried your hardest to roll over from your back to your stomach. Occassionally you're successful and we find you somehow on your tummy.

You're such a happy go-lucky baby and not only do we notice, everyone else does too. When I picked you up from daycare one day I got the report that you are the world's most perfect baby. I think we can all agree with that! When you were sick you had to get an xray of your stomach and the radiologist said you were the first baby she'd ever seen that didn't cry. You went as far as falling asleep on the cold x-ray table.

 We love you little girl!

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