June 14, 2011

5 Months Old {Gwyneth}

Gwyneth you are {5} Months Old!
No doctor's appointment this month, but I would guesstimate you've sprouted 5 inches and packed on a pound or two. 
You wear 6 months clothes, which you are already growing out of lengthwise. The weather finally warmed up so you are being subjected to multiple outfit changes throughout the day as I attempt to put you in all the cute dresses you're growing out of (see below).
This has been quite the month for you (I know, I say that every month). Overnight you went from a baby to this little person with a personality, quirks, a voice and a temper.

We moved you into your own room so Daddy and I could finally sleep in the same bed together. When we put you in your big girl crib you tend to get weenie wedged in between your mattress and the side so we keep putting you in your bassinet. You are getting a little too big for the bassinet, so we might just have to keep an eye on you in your big girl crib. 

You slept through the night for most of the month as a teaser, but just recently you've decided to torment us by waking up regularly throughout the night. You typically don't need anything but a good snuggle to drift right back to sleep.
You like to take nice long naps at daycare, but when you're at home you like to take little short naps in our arms. We've instituted a lovely weekend ritual of family nap time, where we all take a morning nap together. Daddy can always get you to sleep with him in bed. One morning you were struggling to fall asleep with Mommy and the minute you rolled into Daddy's arms you immediately fell asleep. Daddy is the best at putting you to bed!

We decided you were ready for solids when we noticed you were paying close attention to our mouths as we ate and drank. You like to sit in our laps with wide eyes and watch the fork, cup or spoon go into our mouths.

We started out with rice cereal. What with your discerning 5 month old taste and all, you were not a fan (which I don't blame you, that stuff smells awful).  After a few days we decided to try out barley cereal we happened to have in the pantry.  You loved it! You kicked and squealed in between bites and couldn't get enough.

At first you were unsure of what to you were supposed to do with your tongue: putting it in front of the spoon, to the side, on top, etc. Within a week you had the hang of it after watching both your parents act like fools in an attempt to encourage you to eat and swallow.  Now you eat a bowl full of barley cereal every night before bed.
We tried out your swanky highchair, but you're still a little too small and tilt to the side which makes it a little difficult for you to focus and eat. We'll stick to your bouncy chair for now. 
You can entertain yourself for awhile if we just put you on the floor on a blanket. You love rolling over.  You roll from  back to tummy and do a baby pushup to look around while playing with your toys. You still startle yourself a little when you make it from tummy to back and always bonk your little head on the floor, which doesn't phase you in the least bit. You like to put your little butt in the air while you're on your stomach, as if you're getting ready to crawl. Please, take your time, I don't think Mommy can handle you crawling for a few more months, so go ahead and stop that now.

You've discovered your feet and like to hold on to one whenever you get your diaper changed. This  can make things a bit difficult, but we are adapting.

You get upset and like to yell when you can't figure something out, which typically involves a toy getting into your mouth.

You've also discovered your voice. Before you used to let out a little cough, but now you like to screech like a pterodactyl.

When Mommy comes home from work and picks you up from daycare, we like to sit down and have a nice little chat where you like to giggle and talk. Oh that adorable  rare baby giggle that finally came this month!  It's too cute as you get worked up to laughing and how you reserve it only for particular things.

You've grown and changed so much this month, I can't wait to see what next month will bring. Love you little girl!

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