September 20, 2011

The Best Foyer Ever

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, my foyer. If you'd like to see the inspiration I drew from, check out this post.

It was a cinch to do, I'm not sure why I drug my feet so much to get it done.

The paint was leftover from baby G's nursery. This took months for me to commit to. Would the blue actually look nice or like something I painted my wall with because I had the paint?

And then, one day I walked into baby G's nursery with my fabric for the hoops in hand. As I held it up to the wall I made up my mind. It would not only look nice, it would look awesome.

The embroidery hoop art was ridiculously simple. I looked at a tutorial one day (which I can't locate because it was before the days of the glorious Pinterest) and thought, duh, that was a silly tutorial. Simply put your fabric (uncut) into the hoop > trace around the inner circle with a pen > cut > put it in your hoop et voila > embroidery hoop art.

We hung them with thumb tacks after much deliberation of where the perfect spot would be. Word of advice, don't over think it. They're not permanent and can always be moved.

Here is what I love most about this "art." The possibilities are endless for customizing it for the holidays. You know all that holiday fabric you see and wonder what on earth people do with it? There are only so many quilts people can make! Well here you go. And you only need 1/4 yard at most, so it's on the cheap.

I can also add to it. There is always a bucket of embroidery hoops at any and every thrift store I've ever been to. I can take my time and find the right size for the right spot. Meanwhile, it still looks pretty good as is.

Now, I will admit that just the blue wall, looked like it was just It needed something more. Something like a staircase behind it lined with blue accents to bring it all together? Perhaps!

You can find my awesome foyer reveal floating around these linky parties this week. Go check 'em out, you never know what tutorial or recipe you might find.
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