1.) Somebody woke up happy from her nap.
2.) For some reason my Mom brought Jell-O while they were visiting for Christmas and it's been in our pantry ever since. We had my brother-in-law and his girlfriend (who painted the awesome trees in the nursery) over for dinner so I decided to pull out all the stops, jiggler style.
3.) We suited up and went to the park down the street where Gwen ran around like a mad woman. It's amazing how much she has changed from a month ago. The park wasn't nearly as much fun as it was on Monday and she may or may not have thrown a slight temper tantrum when it was time to leave. That certainly didn't happen a month I go, I'll tell you what.
4.) Tuesday was one of "those" days. So we watched You've Got Mail and all was well in the world.
1.) There's this little glitter heart that I found in our Valentine's Day decoration box that Gwen loves. She carries it, gingerly holding it as she keeps her balance while walking through the house. It's pretty darn cute.
2.) The ladybug party theme continues on with the embroidery hoops that were switched out to match the ladybug decor. And it just so happens to be Valentine's Day decor colors as well. The lazy side of me loves this fact. My mom made the love canvas and gave it to us all as a gift one year for Valentine's Day.
3.) We have a constant supply of oranges in this house since we discovered how to make them not a complete pain in the ass to eat. We buy a giant box from Costco that lasts two weeks and throughout the week we enjoy sliced oranges and orange juice.
What were you up to this week?

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