July 10, 2012

What’s Instagram & Why Should You Use It {Pt. 1-The Cynical View}

Jake's Grandma and her friend asked us what Instagram is and why they should use it. Naturally, my husband differed to me since I use it like a madwoman. I blurted out something about filters, sharing, and twitter.

What I would've liked to say was, instagram is a great way to take pictures of yourself and document things that totally don't matter. Think life is boring and you're a nobody? Download Instagram, start taking pictures and putting filters on them and bam! Your life looks AMAZING.

You see, when else would this be appropriate to take, let alone share with people? Instagram!

How many photos of tea can I take? I tell you what, Davidson's is getting a run for their money with advertising on this here blog.

Now, Instagram is also great for taking photos of things you are totally into, like say, a rose from your garden.

Insta-art is more like it. I have a half a mind to not print that baby out and mod podge it on a canvas.

Or, you can take the use-it-to-brag-about-yourself approach like I often do.

In one day I posted about my garden and my sewing.

And there are nice people in the world who post a comment saying how amazing you are, like this one (thank you Sarah).

I think that just about sums up Instagram for this installation of our series. Come back tomorrow for my less cynical, somewhat charming opinion of Instagram.

And oh, be sure to follow @textinstagram on twitter where you can find text only versions of instagram, like:

Hairless crossed legs overlook a refreshing blue swimming pool

— Text-Only Instagram (@textinstagram)


You can follow me @renosparksmom for quality photography that will totally rock your world.



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