January 9, 2010

Poppy Love

Allow me to present to you my latest kitchen appliance, err..... gadget, no no flat out awesome MACHINE. You see, we got our appliances (fridge, washer and dryer) from RC Willey, a store that has awesome deals. With $20 extra dollars we could get the new Harry Potter dvd AND this machine! I know! I too was a little confused, thinking they wanted $20 for each, but hot dog! It was for both.

We had an impromptu game night and our friends were gracious enough to bring the popcorn kernels and butter for one and all to enjoy the glory that was the popcorn machine.
     A couple of days ago I was contemplating the retro plastic popcorn containers from Target. There was no way for me to understand the magnitude of coolness of the popcorn machine before using it. Now that I know what it is capable of and how it just may change the way I socialize, I can think of no better way to spend $5 on the popcorn containers.
     Plans for tomorrow night may or may not include movie watching and, you guessed it! Popcorn!


bodaat said...

oh my goodness, that looks deeelish! i don't think we could have one of those in our house because my hublu and i would show no restraint and would eat popcorn every day. :)

Unknown said...

Seriously? That is the coolest thing ever!! If I had a bigger kitchen I would totally have to have one too!
Stopping by from SITS and wanted to say hi!

Nicole @ WhenDidIBecomeMyMom.com said...

Looks like fun!
Visiting from SITS

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

How fun is that!!!!! :)

Bethany said...

That's so cool! When my great uncle died a year ago, the family we stayed with had one of these and it was awesome. :)