January 14, 2010

Un Blueberry Rendezvous

     Tonight I had a date with mon mixeur. The flirting was light at first, as I used its different speeds to mix the batter, but things got pretty hot and heavy when it was time to push fold. It was the perfect end to a perfect date.
     I used this recipe I found off a Google search. This was my first attempt at making Sir Sunderland a healthy muffin option, which is why I thought it wise to substitute whole wheat flour. Lets just say, it tastes like I did just that. Will try the next batch with regular flour to see how they come out.


Dawn said...

Hope your next batch tastes better-I bought whole wheat flour to try and be good but have yet to use it. Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

Angelica Bays, TygrLilies.blogspot.com said...

Woowoo! I was just reaching for my fan- good thing this post wasn't any longer! ;o)
Happy Sits Saturday Sharefest!