February 25, 2010

The Kitchen Tool Every Woman Should Have

Do you want to know something silly? I don't even own a cooling rack, but I sure do have a cake tester thing a ma jig! We never have toothpicks in the house so I'd always use a knife. Then, I came across this amazing cake tester and knew it was fate. 
And now, an action shot
That's what I'm talking about! We'll discuss the purple cake later.....
*Post-edit: Within 30 minutes of posting this, I looked at Homer who was lying on the floor with something shiny next to his squeaky chicken toy. Yes, it was indeed THE CAKE TESTER! Rest assured, it's cleaned and bent back into shape.*


Jennifer Vanderbeek said...

It IS a nice little tool, isn't it?

Mine must be buried in one of the cake totes because now that you mention it, I haven't the foggiest idea why I didn't come across it in the move!

Stopping by from SITS...

bodaat said...

i was wondering whether that really was a purple cake or whether i was just seeing things!

CaraBee said...

I had no idea there was such a thing! Cool!