March 16, 2010

Daily Musings of a Married Couple

Scene: In the car on the way up to Lake Tahoe for a family trip

Me: Don't you worry! I not only packed the camera but also remembered to pack the battery charger since it was getting low.

Sir Sunderland: I was worried

Me: Oh, wait.....I didn't grab the damn memory card!

Sir Sunderland: You know what you should do? Put the memory card back in the camera after you use it.

Me: Yes, because I hadn't thought of that........

Such a shame I didn't have the camera as we stayed in a cabin off a hill that overlooked the Lake with the most gorgeous views I have ever seen. This did, however cause me to think about how often I really take in a view for its beauty without using a camera to detract from the here and now. On our honeymoon my most favorite day of the entire trip was camera-less, yet it is the most vivid in my memory. Funny how that works, eh?

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