March 26, 2010


I thought I'd share some pics I snapped while we were walking through Golden Gate Park, enjoy!
Feel free to use this gem (above) as your desktop picture! I totally did and it's awesome, if I do say so myself.


April said...


tori said...

Just what I needed. soooo cold here today in Chicago! DYING for the nurseries to open!

Mandy said...

Hi! gorgeous pictures~ I'm over from SITS... Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest and Have a great weekend!

Lookie Lou said...

What fabulous pictures! We don't quite have flowers yet in NJ! Thank you so much for stopping by our blog! We followed you! Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Oh so pretty. I just love them to pieces : ) Happy, Happy Spring!

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

Great pictures!! :)

Frosted Petunias said...

Love these! Especially the pinks and they do look awesome as wallpaper, thanks! Happy PS!

bodaat said...

my favorite! icelandic poppies!!

-*-Megan-*- said...

These pictures are beautiful!nI found you on SITS and I'm following now. I can't wait to look around your blog some more :)