This past month has been a whirlwind of not planning our meals and no grocery shopping which has in turn caused us to: 1.) eat out 2.) eat cereal for dinner or 3.) eat out. After a weekend full of eating out or eating at other people's houses, we were sitting at a table in a Chinese restaurant (shocker) when I proclaimed that I am sick of meat. Something that has never passed my lips before. We are meat eaters. I was raised eating traditional dinners that consist of a meat, a starch and a vegetable. This has transferred into my adult, married life, where our dinners almost always revolve around a meat. There hasn't been a dinner without meat since our month long spaghetti drought a little while ago. We both agreed that maybe we should try and incorporate something without meat in it into our group of about 5 recipes we rotate weekly, leaving it at that.
For the past day or two, I have been thinking about what it'd be like to be vegetarian. Would it really be that bad of a thing? Are veggie burgers, fresh veggetables or fruit really
that bad? I googled "becoming a vegetarian" which inevitably led me to a website called
GoVeg.com. Now, they do have great information, however they are a little pushy with the whole animal cruelty subject. While orginally I had really no reason to become vegetarian besides the fact that I am sick of meat, after reading the
Vegetarian Starter kit, and absentmindedly clicking on a video of 30 reasons to be vegetarian, I have to say I am against animal cruelty. But really, who isn't?
They make a great point that there are no legal actions against chicken, pig, fish and cow cruelty. Meanwhile there are plenty of laws against cruelty against cats and dogs. This isn't something I haven't pondered. I am against anything and everything cruel to any animal. But somehow, I can turn it off and not think about the meat going into my mouth as an animal. It's just steak, right?
So, here is my dilemma. Do I want to become a vegetarian? Or am I just sick of meat? A blog that popped up in my search blatantly states that you need a reason, because becoming a vegetarian isn't easy and without a reason, you probably won't succeed. Is not wanting to eat meat enough of a reason?
As I run to the grocery store, I must admit I looked up a way to adapt our usual ground beef burritos into a tasty veggie option and will gladly opt out of ground beef tonight. Is this a start to a new lifestyle, or just another whim?
*Adorable Cow photo courtesy of Cathy, Sam, Max and Mai on Flickr*
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