November 19, 2008

One Family's Tradition....

Let me preface this story by explaining my work atmosphere. I work at Starbucks and at Starbucks, you are behind the counter with your coworkers. The same people for hours a day. It is not like in an office where you can ignore your coworkers by staring at a computer or talking on the phone. You are basically forced to mingle with them, whether you have anything in common, like them or hate them. This is the reason that some of the oddest conversations come up while at work. I am notorious for talking about the silliest, most mundane things, mainly my pets, just to make conversation.
Today, one of those conversations occurred. Excited about my Thanksgiving place card idea, I told two of the girls what I was in the process of doing. The response, one girl laughing and saying "that's so funny." What? Place cards, funny? I think not. So, interested in why this is funny, I asked, if her family doesn't have place cards at their holiday get-togethers. This was answered with a "No, we know who everyone is." Ouch.
I can remember my Mom and I thinking together and making place cards for holiday get-togethers since I was a little girl. Sure, we know who everyone is, but not everyone knows where to sit! I won't lie, we're not sticklers for the seating chart and people move where they want, but it's always fun thinking of new creative ideas, seeing what we come up with. This year my mom even had to let my aunt know not to make the place cards, that's how popular they are in my family.
I suppose one family's tradition isn't everyone's family's tradition, but boy I sure do like my family's!

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