March 25, 2009

Let this Sun Shine Through

This week has been one of those great weeks, where nothing can go wrong. Not the pessimistic gossiping older woman I work with, the boss that points out every mistake, or the cloudy days can hinder the bright spring that has shone through this week. I’ve paid bills, taken care of doctor’s appointments, changed my oil in my car while simultaneously getting it washed. Instead of gossiping, I have been laughing. Instead of just taking the dog to go to the bathroom, we go for a walk, enjoying the chirping birds that guide us. Instead of sleeping until noon I wake up early feeling refreshed and ready to conquer my day. I feel like myself again.

Depression is a bitch, it robs you of yourself while you stand by and watch with confusion. It comes and goes without a rhyme or reason, leaving no clues behind as to how long it’s staying. I’ve been struggling with it for years, diagnosed for a year.

This week gives me hope, hope that the real me still exists. It's easy to lose sight of yourself, to forget that you're really not this lazy, irritable person with no sense of responsibility. It's even more difficult to remember that you are a creative, outgoing, optimistic, fun-loving person. So, depression, I'd like you to know that I know. I know the real me still exists and I will do everything in my power to not let you take that from me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a bright yellow tulip in the garden of life!! Love you, Marmee