January 24, 2010

Introducing Our Dinner Menu

On Sundays I will share our weekly dinner menu with updates throughout the week on recipes, successes and failures.  Like most families we have a rotating list of the same meals we turn to on a weekly basis. To break this monotony we will be trying at least one new recipe a week (look for the New!). I hope our menu staples will inspire you and look forward to hearing recipes from you!

Chez Sunderland
Chicken Cordon Bleu 
Mashed Potatoes (homemade in mixer!) anyone have a recipe?Steamed Carrots

Angel hair pasta topped with Prego
Salad with delicious red wine vinaigrette dressing (recipe to follow)

French Dips
Toasted roast beef sandwich dipped in McCormick’s packet of au jus
Pasta Roni straight from the box

Brown rice
Grilled Asparagus

BBQ Chicken Sandwiches
Shredded grilled chicken smothered in bbq sauce in between two French rolls

Chicken Tacos
Grilled chicken with lime and chili seasonings topped with fresh avocado, sour cream and all the fixins
Refried Beans straight from Ms. Rosarita herself
Spanish Rice


KiraAJ said...

Droppin by from SITS to show some love! Your menu for the wk sounds delish :) i wish i could stick to a menu plan but i just cant doesnt matter how hard i try! Probably why i have a hard time following a recipe to lol!

Anonymous said...

I would eat at your house every night this week. What a great menu! Stopping by from SITS!

Unknown said...

What a great idea! I just said that I needed to make a menu so I don't have to run to the market every other night after work... I meant to do that yesterday! Maybe tomorrow I will do it : )

Unknown said...


Lora said...

mmmmm. I try to make a menu for each week as well, but it hardly ever is stuck to completely--too many things going on all over the place in my life!

Maybe if I posted it on my blog I'd be able to stick to it a little more...

Visiting from SITS--have a great day!

Erika said...

I saw a comment you left on another site and came to check out your blog!

When I make mashed potatoes I use milk and cream cheese to make them creamy! My mom uses sour cream but sometimes that can lend a bitter taste to the potatoes! Good menu! Im hungry now.

MrsMonicaLB said...

great menu and idea!I am going to be following you so I can get some ideas.I feel like I cook the same things and have been trying to change it up a bit as well.
stopping by from SITS

Shelle said...

It looks like you've been eating really well this week! Everything on your menu sounds delicious! Especially the chicken taco, because I love avocado!

Stopping by from SITS! :-)

Miles Of Style said...

lovely menu...it's getting me hungry already! have a lovely weekend SITSa.