January 16, 2010


     As any new owner of a beautiful/amazing mixer would be, I am overzealous about baked goods now. While making my shopping list to get ingredients for the muffins, my sister sent me a link to Bakerella for her red velvet cake balls.
     You see, I have been in a pinch lately as Starbucks has been carrying cupcakes, my most recent baking success. Most every cupcake recipe yields 24 cupcakes and what is a married couple of two going to do with 24 cupcakes? Take them to work! Well, if there are already cupcakes at work, nobody ends up eating the ones I bring (or so I suspect). So I needed a new niche. Enter red velvet cake balls!

At first they totally looked like meatballs, so much in fact that I had to make sure Sir Sunderland was aware they weren't.

Enter "chocolate bark." It's actually called almond bark at Wal*Mart and oh sweet heaven. The most amazing chocolate melt you will ever eat. I'm not quite sure how she got hers to be so ball-like and no chocolate on the bottom where it rested on the wax paper, but I am a young grasshopper with much to learn from the master.

I can't wait to embark on the journey of cake pops, cupcake pops and all the cuteness, not to mention delicousness that is!


Dawn said...

The chocolate bark is the best!! I use it for so many things. Yummy-those look delicious!!

bodaat said...

Very creative! I like you how you think sister. :)

Just A Normal Mom said...

Hmmm, they look intriquing! But I'm not supposed to be eating that stuff right now! Ahhhh!

Danae Hudson said...

Oh. My. Gosh. Those look delicious!!!

Stopping by from SITS

Danielle said...

Those look totally delicious!
Stoppin' by from SITS!

Amy {The Red Chair Blog} said...

These look yummy! Think you've found your niche :) Alas, as a self-employed person, I don't have any coworkers on which to foist baked goods. Oddly, I like making sweets more than eating them!

Anonymous said...

oh, YUM! :)

Stopping by from SITS!

Judy@grammyreads.com said...

Ooh, how they taste?

Unknown said...

Visiting from sits! Oh goodness, those look so good!