February 10, 2010

Behind the Apron Wednesday

In honor of Valentine's Day and the ongoing demand for more cake balls, I whipped up a batch of cake pops with a heart shape.  To get the heart shape I used a small cookie cutter and smooshed the cake into the cookie cutter then chilled. I also put a lollipop stick into them to create pops this go around.


Anonymous said...

They came out great Lauren!

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

Yum yum! Anything chocolate looks good to me!

Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

Frugal New England Kitchen said...

Visiting from SITS Saturday Sharefest!

Luv Red Velvet Cake - I make it for Christmas, but it's great any time of the year! And I like the almond bark idea too!