March 20, 2010

Buyer Beware!

The 20 lbs of flour available at Costco is NOT FLOUR! Don't be fooled! I was just an innocent woman, baking mass amounts of cupcakes on a weekly basis and decided it to be wise to buy flour in Costco size.
"Looks and tastes like white flour?" Should've been a dead giveaway. Sir Sunderland's banana bread made using this crap, tasted like pure flour. Should've been a dead giveaway.
I make my first attempt at white cake from scratch, this crap was used. They turned out to be dry cucpcakes that tasted like muffins and flour. Should've been a dead giveaway.

Final and dead giveaway was tonight. Champagne cupcakes made with the crappy impostor flour. Gee, those look dry and taste like a muffin and flour! Ohhhhh! Now I get it! 

This magical ultragrain crap is frickin' whole wheat flour disguised as All-Purpose Flour. Duh! This impostor has managed to ruin my baked goods for months!

The good news? More champagne for us.
Also, I am slightly relieved this batch of cupcakes didn't work out. They were supposed to be for a very ungrateful girl I work with for her birthday. Shucks, I guess karma does exist after all.


bodaat said...

Costco obviously has no idea who they are messing with...


Suzie Button said...

Boy, that makes me mad for you! I hate when things are disguised as something you'd actually want to buy but instead it's a trick! It's like all the icky ingriedients in the food we purchase, can't we just have the clear picture of what we're buying?! I hope the birthday girl at your work doesn't read your blog, or you might be in trouble there! Anyways, first time I've visited you. I really like your St. Patrick's Day LUCK frame you made, so cute! Suzie

Petunia said...

Hi Lauren! I LOVE your blog! I love how you write. Your posts just make me smile...actually they crack me up. Being a cupcake addict myself I love your cupcake ratings too. I came by to say thanks for stopping by and leaving such nice comments. Glad you liked my 'soar' banner. Oh and I'm the designer for my blog. Through much trial and error and constantly moving things around. So thanks so much and have a great week. I'm a new follower too. BTW, I noticed the names of your wouldn't happen to be a Harry Potter fan too?

Dawnll said...

Wow that is a lot of "flour" I love to bake but I have NEVER bought that much. What can you do with it now???
Sorry it was such a mess, sometimes it scares me to not know what is in some products. I am getting better at reading labels...
Stopped by to thank you for visiting my blog and entering my giveaway. Hope you visit again sweetie!