April 14, 2010

Daily Musings of a Married Couple

*This is not how we store our books, just to let you know. We finally got to unpacking this was the beginning of the long awaited organization process.*

Sir Sunderland: Wow, I have a lot of books
Me: Really? I hadn't noticed
These are all from the same author, and just a few of the collection. I ask of you, how can one author write many books? Better yet, how do we own so many of them?


Cheryl said...

Hi! Stopping over from SITS

I am a book-a-holic. I have stacks and stacks of books - even in our bathroom linen closet! Although I admit mine are from different authors.. BTW, your dogs are adorable!!

Amandasaurus said...

I dream of one day being so prolific.... I also dream of one day having a larger book case. Last summer my dad had to build an extra shelf into mine because all my books were stored 2-deep and piled on top of each other disastrously....

I found you on 20sb; hope you'll come say hi! japandamanda.blogspot.com =D
~ Miss Rex

The Single Nester said...

I LOVE BOOKS! I have them kinda everywhere. One of my favorite authors is Sue Grafton, a mystery writer and every year she comes out with a different mystery for each letter of the alphabet. I think she is now up to U. Just a few more letters to go.

julie said...

It looks like you have a nice collection! I tracked you down on Lady Bloggers Social Tea Party. Have a great Sunday!

Jennifer Vanderbeek said...

Stopping by from SITS!

lol--we have books everywhere, too, which is why we were lucky enough to turn a spare bedroom into our "library": lots of full-to-the-brim bookcases and 2 very comfy chairs.