September 17, 2011

Off at the Next Cupcake Stop

This weekend marks our September Family Get Together. My role aside from hostess? Cupcakes.

Once upon a time I loved baking cupcakes. Every Monday I tried a new recipe and dove in wholeheartedly. The mess may have lingered in my kitchen for a day or two, driving Jake nuts, but for the most part I was happy to try things out and share them with the masses. But you know what? Most recipes were gross. I’ve found only one chocolate cake recipe I like and a frosting recipe that works.

Nowadays the idea of whipping up a batch of cupcakes brings the reality of dishes that don’t fit in the dishwasher, trips to the store to buy ingredients and a hot kitchen.

And then the frosting. THE FROSTING. I hate hate hate cleaning up the mess after frosting cupcakes. A mixer bowl covered in slimy goo, a tip in the bottom of a bag that you have to stick your finger in to clean. This is the mess that sits in the kitchen for days until Jake breaks down and cleans it for me. 

{Oh, by the way I discovered a great tip cleaning tip. A nipple brush. This will get it’s own post in due time.}

So I did the unthinkable. I pawned off the cupcakes to my brother in law's girlfriend.

When I announced this to Jake his response was a deep look of concern followed by, “Are you alright?”

To which I responded with a watered down version of the above rant.

I’ve jumped off the cupcake train and I know it’ll always be there waiting for me. I will remember it with fondness and maybe someday I will break out the cupcake tins and wow the Mommies of baby G's friends. But for now, I'm perfectly fine with not having to deal with them. 


Oneika said...

First of all, NOM NOM NOM! Those look SO good. Secondly- nipple brush? Please elaborate (soon). ;-)


Bodaat said...

and i just jumped on the cupcake train! we'll swop for a while. :)