March 9, 2010

Unsucessful Craft Tuesday

I suppose this is just not my week. You see, after my purse I managed to sew (admittedly it's not sturdy enough to use, but it's in the shape of a purse so that was a success as far as I was concerned) I opted for pajama pants from a pattern as my next project. I bought a pattern that didn't have instructions and thought I was incompetent at all things sewing. I was reassured by a girlfriend that I was indeed missing instructions and not a complete retard. I got another pattern, and this time made sure there were instructions inside. 
I cut my fabric about two weeks ago. I pinned it the next week and managed to procrastinate even more. Finally I bit the bullet and hit the sewing machine. This is what came out of it.
WTF? I cut the damn pattern the way it said to! Alas, I cut the ridiculous excess of waste line and went to sew it all together. When turned right side out, something went horribly amiss. One leg would go right side out and the when the other made an attempt at it, it was twisted in the middle. Frustrated, I decided to throw the directions aside and venture forth, on my own accord. I sewed the entire ass of the pants together, and now have two separate legs after ripping the stitches out. After two hours, it resulted in a proclamation of how much I suck at sewing and some inside out, twisted, fabric resembling pants being thrown off the stairs.
Here are a few things that I know I didn't do properly:
  • I didn't mark the notches and things on the pattern. I have fabric pencils that don't even make a mark on my fabric. Anyone have any recommendations?
  • I refuse to cut the size differences of the fabric and tape it together! Are you kidding me? That'd take forever! I folded the difference and thought it'd do the trick.....
  • My seams were more of 1/4' rather than the 5/8' the pattern calls for.
Don't worry, I will tame the beast that is pajama pants after a nice break from the frustration. It's just a bit much to take when you're struggling with a pattern titled "It's So Easy It's Simplicity!" Jerks.


MrsMonicaLB said...

haha,good luck at least your not giving up!

Kaysi said...

Good luck with it!! I stink at sewing and don't even try, so at least you are trying!

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! I hate sewing pants! I tried one year to make matching pajama bottoms for my entire family. The kids' were okay - they're just kids anyway - doesn't matter. But my husband humored me by wearing them for a picture and then pitching them in the nearest garbage! They were awful! Keep trying - the more you do the better you get and maybe you'll master those pants (something I've never been able to do!)

bodaat said...

you know i'm sure the greatest of sewers (is that a word?) had mess ups before they got brilliant and don't forget to blame this mishap ENTIRELY on the poor directions. :)

Misty @Creative Itch said...

I know the frustration all too well! I made 7 pairs of pajama pants for my family for Christmas 2 years ago and haven't been able to bring myself to make any more!

Thanks for linking @Creative Itch's "Sew Cute Tuesday"!!

Pati @ A Crafty Escape said...

Pants are SO HARD to make!!! I haven't attempted adult ones, but I followed this tutorial for kiddie ones and it worked really well: And this is my favorite fabric marker:

Hope that helps!

HB, The Impulsive Minimalist said...

My aunt always says "At least I tried." So, at least you tried. I never have much luck with conventional patterns either...

Thanks for linking up at Lucky Star Lane's Lucky Linky Tuesday!

Andrea said...

I feel you. I too have sewed some projects and wondered what in the world happened. I recommend water soluble fabric markers over the pencils. Those pencils just don't work well. Tailor's chalk works too. As for the pattern, just get a pair of pajama pants that already fit you and match it up to the piece to see how they compare, that might help. Alternatively, cut the pattern out then hold it up to you and cut to make adjustments before sewing. Patterns can sometimes not fit very well, plain and simple.

Keep trying though! Andrea @

Lissaloo said...

I hate patterns, they always end up confusing me more than helping me :)
Have you tried making pj pants out of an old t-shirt? I made a few of those and it was the easiest pants I have ever made! I have some on my blog and you can just google it there are some great tutorials :) Good luck with the sewing, your blog is super cute , love it :)

Kim said...

Just keep repeating after me. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. :)

The Misplaced

Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden said...

PJs should be roomy and comfortable, right? You made me laugh! Sometimes I have to walk away when I get too frustrated. I'm sure you'll tame the PJ monster!

Lisa Anne said...

I totally had instructions for my TPOW (You have to read my post today) and cut it out according to my instructions. It didn't come out right either. Then I just said forget it and made adjustments on my own to make it work right. LOL I love sewing.

Laura said...

Haha This was so funny. Good luck with the PJs!

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